Crimson Coalition "Cover Letter, Queensland Submission to SWAN Review" May 2008

Crimson Coalition is an unfunded network of Queensland sex workers from all sectors of the sex industry. Since forming as SSPAN (Sexual Service Providers’ Advocacy Network) in June 2004 we have consulted with a range of government and non-government organisations including the CMC, PLA, Police Minister’s office, SQWISI, Queensland Health and the LHMU (Liquor Hospitality and Miscellaneous workers’ Union) on issues relevant to sex workers.

Crimson Coalition is a member of the Scarlet Alliance and we have worked with Scarlet Alliance in the design and analysis of their online survey for Queensland sex workers. We fully support the recommendations which have been drawn from that study and are contained in this submission.

These recommendations are also informed by our members’ experiences with SQWISI (Self Health for Queensland Workers in the Sex Industry), pre and post dissolution. A brief account of these experiences is contained the attached submission.

We appreciate the opportunity to take part in the review process and look forward to your report.