"The Great Divide: Views on Sex Work" Mark Pendleton and Elena Jeffreys Overland Journal, 190, 08, pg 94

Feminists have long debated how gender, sexuality and labour are implicated in women’s oppression. While virtually all have seen these as core questions, how to respond politically has been a matter of much debate. Opinions on the exchange of sexual services for money is a repetitive feature of these debates.
The two books discussed here represent two stereotypical poles of a long-standing feminist divide and are limited because of this. oberta Perkins and Frances Lovejoy: Call Girls: Private Sex Workers in Australia (UWA Press, ISBN 9781920694913, $39.95) and
Mary Lucille Sullivan: Making Sex Work: A Failed Experiment with Legalised Prostitution (Spinifex Press, ISBN 9781876756604, $34.95)